Importance of Demographics, Psychographic and Topographic analysis in e-business

Sunday, April 15, 2007 Posted by Deelip Kumar 4 comments
One of the most important aspects of e-business is demographics anlysis and searcher behaviour What they prefer and analysis of surrounding situations. It includes age, gender, income, marital status, ethnicity. It helps online marketer to know about the potential customers needs and helps to promote their product in that way.
For example:


  • Gender: Target is male or female ex:male

  • Age: Age group you are targeting for ex:18-25 years

  • Income: Earning of the customer $10K+

  • Ethnic group: Desired audience ex: Asian

  • Marital status: Target is single or married ex: single

Psychographic is based on the consumers ethics, values and psychological beliefs.

It is a model that integrates psychographics and demographics with detailed buying process data. Topographic profile will give you a very good idea about customer needs and motivations.