Google Real Time Search Result

Monday, January 11, 2010 Posted by Deelip Kumar

A brief introduction about Google Real Time Search Result

This is a new feature introduced by Google to bring real time content from across the web in Search Results. You can see live updates from twitter, friendfeed as well as headlines from news and blog posts published just second before. This information is completely based on relevancy and automated by Google algorithm. This time Google has focused on speed / freshness part, as Google believes in four pillars of Search: Comprehensiveness, relevance, user experience and speed / freshness.

Appearance of Google Real Time Search Result
It appears in search results with a small transparent scrollable block where you can see live updates coming from Twitter, friendfeed, facebook, latest news headlines on relevant topic from different sites. You can go through the below screenshots:

Google Real Time Search Results

Google Real Time Search Results

An example of Karachi latest explosion coming in Google Real Time Search Results.

How it works?
Google Real time Search Results features are based on latest technologies that enable system to calculate and monitor more than a billion documents and process millions of changes every day. To run this feature properly Google has also tied up with Facebook, Myspace, FriendFeed, Jaiku, and Twitter.

How to get into Google Real Time Search Result?
This is completely based on quality relevant and fresh content. You should must consider below points if you want to display your content in real time search result.
  • Google algorithm analyze the text used in news headlines, tweets, blog postings etc. if the content has no relevancy and quality the system will automatically reject it.

  • It also focuses on trusted users, like a person has not any follower there are less chances to appear their tweets on Real time search result. But if you have good no. of fan followers there are lots of chances your tweets will appear on search result.

  • Comment on other trusted users and be participative, in the same way you will also get quality comments and again your chances of appearance in Google real time search results is high.

  • Benefits to end users?

  • Google Real time Search Results enables end users to discover breaking news the moment’s its happening. For example you can see in the above screenshot about Karachi blast. Through micro blogging updates user may able to get information about traffic jams on highways, city weather, cricket news etc. That means all latest happenings at one click! :-)
  1. Anonymous

    Good information , I'm going to be visiting SF very soon and this
    is good info to have onhand. I'm glad I found your site today.

  2. Google real time search is really incredible. Only Google with such a wide user base can implement it extensively. Its really going to get better if we can have visuals also through Google Earth.

  3. Anonymous

    It`s really nice article. Thank u a lot

  4. Anonymous

    Beautiful post, great ))