Image optimization for search engines
Sunday, June 24, 2007

There are 2 important points that always matters in image optimization:
- HTML Attributes
- Image Size
HTML Attributes: HTML attributes used in mark-up code. Always use relevant file names for your images. Like if you are going to display a picture of Apple. Your image name should be Apple. Alternate Text (Also called Alt Tag) is also play an important role in image optimization for search engines.

"< IMG Src="images/apple.jpg" border="0" Alt="Apple" >"
The above tag shows the apple.jpg as file name and "Apple" word as a relevant text. Always remember to write meaningful file names. Don't stuff your keywords on images. If your image is clickable make sure the image is relevant and you have put the relevant and meaninful words only. Alt tag is accessibility standards and it also helps user and search engine spiders to get the proper information about that image.
Image Size: Size is also matters in image optimization. Make sure your image is optimized and have minimum size without loosing your image quality. There are so many softwares for image optimization to reduce file size.
Sites that using Maps can optimize their images to display in Google top listing. For maps and other relevant search, major search engines always show 2-3 images in top. You can drive additional traffic by optimizing your images for visual search results.